Habits for the New Year

 Habits for the New Year

How to make the most of 2021!

1. Start your day positively

Loads of people recommend making your bed as soon as you get up in the morning. It is the first thing you achieve in the day and sets the tone for more achievements later on. I am personally trying to work on this one as, particularly during lockdown, I have been guilty of staying in bed for too long and then getting back into it as soon as I make my way back to my room. Another idea for starting the day positively is to journal or complete positive affirmations. This is another concept that I am exploring more this year as I think we all need to take the time to understand how we are feeling, why we might be feeling this and how to improve it.

2. Do the things that make you happy

By focusing on activities that you find enjoyment in, each day will be filled with at least one moment of happiness. This can be something as small or as large as you like, but after a year spent not doing anything really, I believe we need to have more moments of doing whatever makes us happy, regardless of what others think or whether we can be bothered or not. Often, if you force yourself to get up and do it, you'll return feeling a lot better than before

3. Figure our your priorities

We spend too much time doing things that don't matter, especially with the increase of technology. It's nice to have time to do whatever you like, but if you make sure that the important tasks are out of the way after having been prioritised then you might find that you both less stressed, and take more enjoyment in doing things that don't matter as much. This isn't saying that completing work or Uni assignments are the ultimate priority - if your mental health isn't great and you would benefit from a day watching comfort movies or going for a long walk then that is the priority.

4. Challenge yourself

I find that I don't do this enough. Stress myself out, yes. But I am beginning to realise that my plans for the future need to start taking shape now, and that there is no point in waiting for some indefinite moment to do it. 

5. Have a daily routine

This is something that, for a lot of us, has been challenging the past year. Without something to get up and dressed for, it almost seems like what the point? This year I am going to make it a habit of mine to create a routine so that I feel better daily.

6. Don't impulse buy

Money money money. I am guilty of seeing a sale and buying something just because it's discounted. Or treating myself to something on the way home from uni after a stressful day. This is a habit that I need to stop as by the end of the month I am regretting it!

7. Wear what makes you feel confident 

Last year I spent so much time in sweats and PJs that I have decided that this year I am making the most of any occasion I leave the house. Sometimes you just have to wear whatever the hell you want and forget about anything and anyone else. Life is too short not to wear the boots, coat or hat!

8. Declutter

When I feel like there's a lot of mess or clutter in my environment I just know I won't be able to focus on anything! Just finding the motivation to keep my room clear and tidy is a habit I'm making sure to create.

9. To have at least 30 mins a day internet-free

This is a concept I need to focus on. Social media is so ubiquitous in out society that sometimes it feel unavoidable. To take just half an hour each day to walk, talk, meditate or read is going to be important to me in 2021.

10. To be active for at least 30 mins a day

I have never done so much exercise as I did throughout 2020 and I'm planning on carrying this on this year. Not only is it good for you, but it also makes you feel good knowing that you've been productive and active.


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